Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Serial killers

Flip on your TV. Click on a sassy satire/ironic news article site, like Cracked or Buzzfeed. Peruse the links on the side of your online news source for a bit. Guarantee you, you'll find some sort of "6 Most Dangerous Serial Killers Humanity Has Ever Known" before too long.
Or maybe those are just the sort of articles I like to read?

Regardless, serial killers are simultaneously a silenced topic and a macabre conversation topic for many people. A very taboo topic, and for good reason. Humans, just like you and I, compelled to murder multiple people in a serial fashion.

It's interesting how many documentaries circle around the lives and misdoings of serial killers. So many of them also delve into why serial killers commit the crimes that they do. A lot of the back story seems to be tied to the perpetrator's upbringing and past.
To speak more to that, it seems as though most serial killers are white men. A common theme tying these criminal men together is that they do not deal well with rejection. There are countless cases of men killers killing because women turned them down.

I believe this is no coincidence. White cis gender men are used to a life of systematic privilege. When they are denied something from women (the seeming "lesser" sex), they respond with aggression and violence.

To take a look at some physical evidence, have a scroll down this page of Infamous Serial Killers. The number of men alone is staggering compared to others featured there. 

Image credits:

(Fictitious serial killer from the movie American Psycho, Patrick Bateman)  
(Fictitious serial killer from the movie Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal Lecter)

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